This animation has been one of my most interesting and probably close to longest to make so far. The animation was made completely in Blender (free open source 3D modeling program with a built in render (not the extremely high quality slow type though)) and all texturing, modeling, animations and everything you see was created by me. I followed some tutorials on Blendercookie (namely the Dragon and Alien Series as well as the Tron Glow effect and endless background tutorials) to help create this though the idea and creations are completely mine. This took many hours to make but probably even longer to render, which was areound 33 hours (25 seconds a frame). This is also the second version of my robot character, the first one was in a previous video which was a complete and utter fail as the naimations were even more horrendous than these ones and the character was a box type, low poly like at parts (hard time to render), probably full of double vertices, and rigged wrong. This one I tried to fix those problem with a new design and to some extent it worked (though I didn't know to removed double vertices till it was probably too late to do it). The robot also received a name this round and is now SR-84 and is going to be apart of the Advanced Sciences short (which I have been unofficially planning for some time now and everything is starting to come into play for it). He will however probably not appear, or at most have short appearence, in Hawkhaven and Deadmirror (if I ever get around to those, which are spin offs of Advance Sciences short). So hope you enjoy this demo test of all the animations and poses and NLA stuff I did with this character :) Thank you! Enjoy! And all my rambling will make more sense later :P Given if I get to make and finish the short that I'm planning haha XD Music: Running through the Night by Stefano Giardiniere Please support this artist if you like the music! His stuff is wonderful and some of the best creative commons music I have ever come across. Thank you again!