~♥ Contatti ♥~ ❥Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/it/shop/FioreCreations?ref=pr_shop_more ❥ Instagram: fiore_creations http://www.pikore.com/fiore_creations ❥ Facebook: https://it-it.facebook.com/Fiore-Creations-709399045771011/ ❥ Email: fiore_lele@hotmail.it Se siete un'azienda interessata al mio canale e vorreste farmi provare alcuni vostri prodotti perchè io possa recensirli scrivetemi qui: fiore_lele@hotmail.it If you are a company interested in my channel and would like me to try some of your products that I may review them write to me here: fiore_lele@hotmail.it