SUBSCRIBE: How to Make COMPOST TEA Liquid Gold organic fertilizer COMPOST TEA MAKES YOU GREEN ALL OVER! Compost Tea for Growing BIG Vegetables Compost tea is easily made by soaking or steeping compost in water. The resulting compost tea is used for either a foliar application (sprayed on the leaves) or applied to the soil. How to Make COMPOST TEA One of the recent raves in gardening is the use of Liquid Gold — a mild organic liquid fertilizer made right at home. Compost tea is a great way to love your plants naturally. Compost Tea is a Liquid Gold fertilizer for flowers, vegetables and houseplants. Compost Tea, in fact, is all the rave for gardeners who repeatedly attest to higher quality vegetables, flowers, and foliage. Very simply, it is a liquid, nutritionally rich, well-balanced, organic supplement made by steeping aged compost in water. But its value is amazing, for it acts as a very mild, organic liquid fertilizer when added at any time of the year. What is so wonderful about Compost Tea is that it can be made right at home from your own fresh, well-finished compost. The only requirement is that the compost you use is well broken-down into minute particles. This usually means that the organic materials have decomposed over a period of time so that their appearance is very dark with the texture of course crumbly cornmeal. Oh, and the fragrance is like that of rich soil in a forest. Don't have such compost yet? Well, dig deep down inside your bin, near the bottom. This is where organic material will be most decomposed and fresh. All you need is a good shovelful for a 5-gallon bucket of Compost Tea. This page gives you some tips and instructions for "brewing" your Liquid Gold. but well-known by all the microbes and critters, including worms, who live at the bottom of your pile and in the soil. This stuff is like a fantastic smoothie or a good cup of espresso to them! compost tea brewerA fairly new phenomenon to gardening is the deliberate creation of Liquid Gold: Compost Tea. Researchers have determined exacting and scientific ways to brew it. Compost Tea brewing equipment, available at fine garden centers or on the internet. Some garden centers, in fact, have begun "brewing" the tea in large batches so that customers can draw-off what they need by the gallon. Provides nutrients to plants and soil The fast-acting nutrients are quickly absorbed by plants through their leaves or the soil. When used as a foliar spray plant surfaces are occupied by beneficial microbes, leaving no room for pathogens to infect the plant. The plant will suffer little or no blight, mold, fungus or wilt. Provides beneficial organisms The live microbes enhance the soil and the immune system of plants. Helps to suppress diseases A healthy balance is created between soil and plant, increasing the ability to ward off pests, diseases, fungus and the like. Its microbial functions include: competes with disease causing microbes; degrades toxic pesticides and other chemicals; produces plant growth hormones; mineralizes a plant's available nutrients; fixes nitrogen in the plant for optimal use. Replaces toxic garden chemicals Perhaps the greatest benefit is that compost tea rids your garden Makes you a "Green Planetary Citizen" Compost tea is just another way to feel good about respecting the earth in your own yard and garden. It allows you to be less a consumer of harmful products and more a resourceful gardener. Come fare il compost TEA Uno dei recenti rave nel giardinaggio è l'uso di Liquid Gold - un lieve fertilizzante liquido organico fatto a casa. Compost tè è un ottimo modo per amare le vostre piante in modo naturale. Compost Tea è un concime liquido d'oro per i fiori, ortaggi e piante da appartamento. Compost Tea, infatti, è tutto il rave per i giardinieri che ripetutamente attestano le verdure di qualità superiore, fiori e piante. Molto semplicemente, si tratta di un nutrizionalmente ricco, integratore liquido, ben equilibrato organica fatta da macerazione età compost in acqua. Ma il suo valore è sorprendente, perché agisce come un molto mite, fertilizzante liquido organico quando viene aggiunto in qualsiasi momento dell'anno. Como fazer composto TEA Uma das recentes raves em jardinagem é o uso de ouro líquido - um fertilizante líquido orgânico suave feito em casa. Chá composto é uma ótima maneira de amar as plantas naturalmente. Chá O composto é um fertilizante Ouro líquido para flores, legumes e plantas de casa. Chá composto, na verdade, é todo o delírio para os jardineiro que atestam repetidamente para vegetais de maior qualidade, flores e folhagens. Muito simplesmente, é um suplemento líquido, nutricionalmente rica, bem equilibrada, orgânico feito por maceração composto envelhecido em água. Mas seu valor é incrível, pois ele age como um muito leve, adubo orgânico líquido, quando adicionado a qualquer momento do ano.