My entry for Ibionicles map contest, named Pollo Nui (pollo=chicken in italian) because my matorans island is Mucca Nui (cow in italian) & i had to make something super unique. Descriptions of Geography: Kung-Pow Volcano- a fiery volcano in a hot mountainous area near the desert Wonton Lake- a large body of water at a marshy area by the edge of the desert Eye of the Chicken- another mountainous area(snow covered), no matorans venture there b/c its sacred Sesame Mountains- a large mountain range cutting off the jungle from the coast Lo-Maine Caves-large unexplored caves in a canyon area Wasabi Desert-A dry, hot arid desert with little to know wildlife, much of it untraveled General Tso's Jungle-a large dense rainforest with all forms of life, some of it undiscovered/unexplored Dumpling Penninsula-Branches off of the jungle, contains large swamps and marshes Was also inspired when i was eating Chinese food. I put alot of work into this using my ghetto photoshop programs